- Millennium Education Pty Ltd takes the necessary precautions to ensure your sensitive information is safe and secure. When ordering and entering personal information, that information is protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer – industry standard protection). All sensitive information is encrypted using 128-bit encryption technology, the highest level technology available protecting information from interception and hacking.
- The content of this store is protected by copyright and Millennium Education. All rights reserved.
- Unless indicated otherwise, no portion of this store maybe reproduced for research, personal or commercial use without express prior permission from Millennium Education Directors.
- If permission is granted in 3., reproduction may only be performed providing no changes are made to any of the information being reproduced, copyright notice is attached and due acknowledgement is given.
- The information within this store is subject to change without notice. The store is continually being updated, so the information contained within may not be accurate, current or complete.
- The information on this store is general in nature and provided for educational or reference purposes only. The information contained within is in no way designed to replace medical practices or medical advice given to people. Millennium Education Pty Ltd does not offer medical, psychological or other professional services, and whenever persons find themselves in need of treatment by a qualified medical practitioner, they are encouraged to do so.
- This store contains links to other sites or third parties for education or reference purposes only. Millennium Education Pty Ltd does not grant endorsement or approval to the other sites/parties, their content or individuals.Millennium Education Pty Ltd is not responsible for any interaction between yourself and these third parties.
- Millennium Education Pty Ltd reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions at any time.
- COVID-19 Entry Conditions
You may NOT enter the event if:
– You have been asked to self-quarantine due to overseas travel or travel within Australia or have visited an identified COVID-19 hotspot.
– You have been in close contact with a person who has coronavirus (COVID-19) in the last fourteen (14) days.
– You have a temperature (37.5 degrees or higher) or flu-like symptoms (e.g. cough or sore throat).All attendees must:
– Adhere to social distancing measures by keeping 1.5m away from others not in your household party as much as possible.
– Provide full contact details including name, address, mobile phone number and email address of all members of your household party (including children) for the purpose of contact tracing via the ticketing platform located on our Event website.
– Scan the QLD QR COVID app upon entry to the event.