In this live online event, you will learn the new paradigm of the new millennium and how to have a long-lasting Positive Mindset.
These teachings are from the ancient Mystery Schools and part of the Secret Codes to Success®.
After Jean Sheehan’s awakening, where she lost of 3rd dimensional mind and her crown chakra opened to all consciousness, she has been able to bring forth the wisdom from Mystery Schools to assist all to be activated to the new millennium. She has been able to transcribe the ancient wisdom into today’s language so that it easily integrated and accessed.
Once you have booked and paid, you will receive an email with the zoom link for this event. Make sure to have a correct email so we can you details.
(Please note that this is a live online event on zoom. There is no recording. If you are unable to attend, we are unable to send you a recording. We invite and encourage you to attend that way you can learn and engage and ask questions of Jean Sheehan, the facilitator and Modern Medicine Woman delivering this event. During the event she offers coaching, insights, and support. Be there to fully receive the new paradigm healing and wisdom)