Uranus retrograde and my activation at the Sphinx

Uranus retrograde and my activation at the Sphinx

Uranus retrograde and my activation at the Sphinx

Welcome Habibi


Thank you to everyone that replied to my last newsletter about feeling the energy shift for 2025 and what changes are happening for you already. I just love receiving your emails.

I am working away this week planning the 2025 and 2026 events as I needed to connect with the ancient Mystery School wisdom of Atlantis and Egypt as these 2 years coming will have memories connected to those times. Whilst away I had a massive ascension activation where I could not walk, talk, eat or even connect with anyone for 2 days. The downloads and messages were so massive for my human body. As I lay in bed crying, the words were Time to be set free and be seen and think big. This wasn’t just me for but for everyone.

Whilst going through the activation, I knew I needed to release the past Atlantis and Egypt traumas within my body. Lying in bed, I was taken back into the Kings chamber in Egypt Giza pyramid and reunited with so many high priestesses from those times. We were all toning and brining in the love and light from the whales, dolphins, turtles and other marine life to the waters that used to be around the pyramids. I have vivid memories of the waters there and all the divine crops of dates and flourishing lands and animals roaming around.

The Giza pyramid had a portal open within the top and down the bottom where there is another pyramid upside down and this connected to all the chambers of healing from those times.

This is what I looked like during these times.

Then it was like a death process for me to release all the times I failed the High Priestesses, Sharman’s, Mystics, Magicians, Mermaids and Healers of those lifetimes where I could not save them all. We were now teleported between the 2 paws of the sphinx. I was laid to rest on a Libyan Desert Glass Crystal bed. So many of you, my clients past and present were surrounding me and saying goodbye and thank you. I asked why I was on this ancient bed and the words that were gifted to me by the original sphinx, not with the head you see now, were

“You must finally put to rest the old paradigm of thinking you have failed the ancient ones. You have helped them beyond your memories and continue to do so this life time.

You have been laid on a Libyan Desert Glass crystal bed on purpose.


As you know this ancient crystal, has been dated as having formed about 29 million years ago. Like obsidian, it was knapped and used to make tools during the Pleistocene time, a revolutionary time for humans and evolution.

This is the official Birthstone Jewellery for the sign of Libra, which you are and symbolizes the atmosphere of the soul. It has a golden energy that can be felt when touched or held close to the body. It is a tektite, created from the impact of a meteorite. And as you know all the Ancient ones were and are from other galaxies.

The crystal is here to offer your human body strength and at the moment for you a strong protective stone that contains the unique power of golden ray within it. It aids the Solar Plexus and Soul Star chakras. It will help balance and activate these chakras, promoting a sense of inner strength and spiritual awareness. Its golden colour is also associated with abundance, prosperity, and success, making it a popular choice for manifestation purposes.

You are releasing old painful stories and now time to remember your full potential which this will help you to do. Its powerful energies will bring a significant personal transformation, a daredevil spirit, heaven-sent love and compassion, and spiritual expansion. Resonating with the Solar Plexus and Soul Star chakras, its unique energy enhances personal power, confidence, and spiritual connection. This crystal is perfect for you now to tap into the truth of abundance, success, and to help you with your desire to help more Ancient Ones manifest their dreams.”

That is when I understood that I could finally release the guilt I had for thinking I had not helped the Ancient Ones from past when in fact and I did and do.


You see for many lifetimes I have helped these super souls, like you, and at times I have felt I have failed you as I have not always been able to save you from feeling the 3D experiences of duality. But that was my learning too.

After the healing at the paws of the sphinx, we all descended below the paws of the sphinx into the Atlantis tunnels again to connect with our temples.


As I write this newsletter, my heart beats fast sharing my deeper wisdom with you and letting you know my truth. I have had to hide for so many years but now can share and shine and share the BIGness of this new paradigm we are in.

And if you would like to know more about the BIG paradigm, watch my Mystery School Masterclass of THINK BIG AND YOU WILL LIVE BIG. Click the image to watch.


Recently in my Facebook group Mystery School with Jean Sheehan, I did a live training on the URANUS Retrograde to help those with this new paradigm. Uranus retrograde is 1/1/24 – 1/1/25. A beautiful time to focus on your inner freedom. Watch my video by clicking the image

2025 Energies Masterclass
I will share what has been happening

You may have been watching how the weather has been crazy here within Australia. In Queensland we have had 30-degree heat for winter and in Victoria violet storms and wind. This is all aligned with 2025 and 2026 energies.

As a gift to those attending the 2025 Energies Online or Offline, I will be sharing what is happening as it is a repeat of the ancient times, Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt etc.


Do join me for the face-to-face 2025 energies event HERE or online 2025 energies HERE so you can prepare and know more. This wisdom is from Mystery School and so important for humanity so that they can live their best life.

Keep connecting with me super soul. And I hope to see you at one of my events very soon.


It is now time for me to rest again after this huge ascension activation as it has knocked my body BIG time.

Absolute love to you,


Yes, I am fully booked for past life sessions until 1/12/24 as these have been so popular. You see it is not a reading it is a session were people actually clear pain and trauma. If you would like to go on the waiting list, please invest here and I will have my TEAM contact you. It is time to clear past pain and embody and harmonise your gifts and talents from past lives. CLICK HERE TO BOOK

This is what one lovely lady said after her session


Spaces for 2025 are filling up fast! This is the most exclusive sacred odyssey of Egypt ever offered and aligns with the year 2025 and 2026 which are (2) portals to the 12th and 13th dimension. You will explore enchanting temples, tombs and pyramids to discover the secrets of Mystics and the High Priestess. You will connect with Atlantis, Pleiades and Arcturians. If you are ready to apply, please CLICK THE IMAGE TO APPLY



2025 Energies 9th Nov 2024
(Noosa Spring, Sunshine Coast)

2025 Energies 10th Nov 2024
(Live Online)

Summer ceremony 2 – 6 Dec 2024

2025 Egypt

Happy Money 6th Jan – 24th Feb 2025

Mexico 11th – 20th April 2025

Past Life Healing

Medical Intuitive Session

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