Accredited Millennium Modality® Courses

What’s is the Millennium Modality® – Medical Intuitive

Medical Intuition is THE ART OF HEALING TO MAKE ABSOLUTE (whole), so that life is complete, harmonious and of an ABUNDANT conscious CREATION. It is the integration of all aspects of life, the understanding of creation and everything is one with NO separation. It is the combining of all dualities to equalize everything and dissolve the deception of disconnection so that there is one reality – absolute love and empowerment. MMMI is working from an integrated mind, body, spirited that is consciously aware of creation and ultimate health on levels and the natural and easy steps to designing the destiny you want and making it happen. It is accessing your own pure potential knowing anything is possible and you are a conscious co-creator of your life. It is living a life in absolute love and empowerment.

Medical & Intuition

Medicine is an ancient word derived from ancient Latin meaning, the art of healing. It is an area of knowledge in re-storing and maintaining health to create a ONENESS to produce all consciousness in to a WHOLE state as it was originally created, rather than separated as it currently is. This health is applied to all living beings on earth and universe. The INTUITIVE relates to accessing the conscious, super subconscious brain and universal mind to a dimensional level of ABSOLUTE, knowing everything is the I AM presence. The intuition is your own personal insight or absolute sight to all of creation and truth. The intuition is a bridge connecting the conscious and subconscious brains to function as a ONENESS to produce life at an AWAKENED state and reality of completeness, health and harmony. It is the link to true ABUNDANCE, manifestation and connection to the UNIVERSAL MIND. The intuition is the spontaneous insight each us possess. When awakened the insight is only observation and non-judgemental and ‘seen’ in absolute love and empowerment.

All Medical Intuitive courses are experiential while giving the necessary ‘intellectual’ information required for a full understanding of the Millennium Modality® course material. Participants experience energy sensations and heart awakenings unlike anything they have ever experienced. This includes ‘union with the universal mind’, ‘heightened awareness’ and ‘an altered perception of reality’. The concepts of reasoning, explaining, sabotage and judgment are superfluous to the new way of thinking and being to each life experience.