Millennium Education does not collect personally identifiable information on our website or otherwise unless you choose to give it to us via electronic mail message, a phone call, by registering from a program or purchasing a product. All information is then kept confidential. We do gather information on what pages our consumers access or visit, user specific information on what pages consumers’ access or visit and information volunteered by you, such as survey information and or site registrations.

The privacy of your information is important to us at Millennium Education Pty Ltd.  Any information that you divulge to us is kept strictly confidential. For each visitor to our web pages, our server automatically recognises no information regarding the domain or email address.

The information we collect is:

  • Used to improve the content of our web pages,Used to customise the content and or layout of our page for individual consumers.
  • We will not sell, rent, share or otherwise disclose mailing lists or other personally identifiable information. We maintain some records of individuals who contact us so that we may contact them at a future date. We also maintain some records that enable us to process fees that you have agreed to pay in exchange for programs or services. However, we do not provide this information to anyone else unless you give us your permission in writing. 

Millennium Education Pty Ltd takes the necessary precautions to ensure your sensitive information is safe and secure. When ordering and entering personal information, that information is protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer – industry standard protection). All sensitive information is encrypted using 128-bit encryption technology, the highest level technology available protecting information from interception and hacking.

Millennium Education Pty Ltd (M.E.) reserves the right to vary this privacy policy anytime.