Ascension Symptoms

♥ Headaches
♥ Vomiting
♥ Confusion
♥ Physical aches such as bones
♥ Repulsion towards the partner
♥ Convulsions
♥ Anger
♥ Memory loss
♥ Recall of past lives
♥ Loss of speech
♥ Cravings for sugar
♥ Insanity feelings
♥ Unable to cope
♥ Tearful

♥ Nausea
♥ Faintness/dizziness
♥ Disorientation
♥ Hatred for the partner
♥ Lack of focus
♥ Depression
♥ Extremely emotional
♥ Extreme fear
♥ Recall of experiences
♥ Endocrine imbalance
♥ Weight gain
♥ Paranoia
♥ Moodiness
♥ Anxiety

If you would like to know more or want support to help you  attend Jean Sheehan’s Millennium Modality® courses CLICK HERE

Absolute love