At the same time as this was occurring, some of the Extraterrestrials returned to Pleiades and Venus. This was to gather more information about the God consciousness and redefine it or make it more palatable for the ever evolving human being, which had to now go backwards in dimensions to reinvent itself. Other ET forms went to the hidden parts of the Earth crust known as Shambala or Eden.
THE DOWN FALL OF ATLANTIS – The Lost City of Atlantis
With the Wise Ones knowing that Atlantis was about to have its down fall, pyramid like structures were built by ET’s called Pleaidians. These were used to communicate with higher worlds. Divine Scientists (Star Children) used sacred sounds to obtain the original sound of ABSOLUTE EMPOWERMENT. This vibration was working from the 12th dimension and beyond.
The other beings that understood this sound language are dolphins, whales and turtles. These animals worked succinctly with the ABSOLUTE knowledge and sang music of the heart and awakening. Still to this day, many 21st century humans will express how they have a ‘spiritual experience’ when having been around dolphins, whales or turtles. At present we find these animals beaching themselves or in human language ‘suiciding’. As they are picking up the vibration of earth and humans where many people are suiciding and not ready for their awakening of heart and absolute consciousness. In the next few years these animals will ‘disappear’ for about 20 years whilst humans go through a dark age again and then connect with the 4th dimension again.
If looking at a turtles shell, you will notice it always has 13 segments – this is the number relating it to sacred geometry from the Millennium Modality (Medical Intuition) that is the code to God. The turtle’s shell has a code imprinted. Having a look at the turtle head, its shape, mouth, eyes and features, you will see that it is definitely an extraterrestrial from another planet here on Earth, as described in Atlantis.
The 13 partitions of a turtle shell
Atlantis was about to enter devastation. Scientists and the High Priestess of those times were working together in unity to bring forth the GENESIS. They worked from the heart space to teach the mysteries of ABSOLUTE EMPOWERMENT. However there were some of these beings that had not completed the soul awakenings and healing process, known as the ‘Incomplete Ones’. They commenced to delve into the world of SEPARATION, will-power and the dark ages. They were tempted by the earthly lessons of the 3rd dimension. They attached themselves to materialism, selfish desires, possessions, authority and separation from the ABSOLUTE. From this time the Earth increased in it’s separate mind, living hell and growing the ego ways. Earth and all those whom inhabited it became separate from knowledge, language, belief and more divided. Polarity, individuality, duality and separateness commenced and began to reign. There now became SELF APPOINTED Leaders. This was very apparent in the Churches and Government and still occurs in the 21st Century.
These Spiritual leaders kept the knowledge to themselves. The human race perceived them to be GOD-LIKE and worshipped them. Offerings of all sorts were given to appease and please these self appointed leaders. This included money, children, sex, possessions and more. The saying ‘Knowledge is power’ is from these times of destruction of Atlantis.
When knowledge was withheld the spiritual side went in to ‘darkness’, illusion and fear. Power struggles occurred. These struggles were external between people but also within the duality consciousness of separate minds from the UM or Universal Mind (Taught in Module IV Millennium Modality). Scientists, originally used the creator force were now used for unloving techniques rather than LOVE and UNITY. This brought Atlantis down. A gravitational bomb was created to blow up Atlantis. This was initiated by the Lemurians, as Atlantis was a colony of Lemuria created for the new genesis. This occurred for 30,000 years where it changed the polarity of Earth. Floods washed away these ‘high’ cities such as Egypt, South America and India. Again these floods are to return again and will be in the form of Emotional upheaval rather than physical floods.
Ancient knowledge was taken to Egypt. The Pharaohs were the incarnate of those past God-like beings. The ancient teachings were written down and attempted to awaken the consciousness again to humans. This information included Kundalini, the Ankh, sacred geometry and ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE. This all relates to the symbol of the cadeuses.
The Stairway to Heaven – Kundalini Rising and Cadeuses
The survivors of Atlantis are reincarnated now in the 21st century to bring harmony from the third dimension to the 4th and 5th dimensions. They are creating schools and education, such as Millennium Education Pty Ltd ,to help humans to heal and make whole again so as to complete a journey to the Golden Age of UTOPIA. They are here to end duality, separation, individuality so as to live a conscious life of a Oneness. This is returning to ABSOLUTE EMPOWERMENT (love).
These new Golden Ones, Avatars or reincarnate demigods are teachers of light/love. They will help to change the material based culture to knowing that nothing really matters. They will help with power struggles, dictatorship, financial power and segregation to understand that this is all an illusion. The teachings from past will integrate Emotional care, from EGO to Higher Self, and the understanding we are all ONE with no SEPARATION. This has already commenced. Humanity will eventually, with the next evolutionary step, come to a form of completion. The new AVATAR/GOLDEN ONE is a group consciousness of ascension. It is the Age of Aquarius. They will help humans redefine themselves and understand we are all one.