Today we are surrounded by children whom seem to be much more aware in both mind & spirit. They know and explain things that are NOT of a child like quality. For some, their behaviour is irrational and so reactive. These Psychic & Awakened Children also known as the indigo children, have difficulty with having their soul trapped in a human body, here on Earth. They are the gifted ONES. They are the AWAKENED CHILDREN.
These Psychic & Awakened Children utilise more of their right brain and super subconscious or Higher SELF. They work with the full intensity of emotions and intuition. They are connected to insight and mystical ancient knowledge. Misunderstood by outdated thinking and teachings, these awakened and psychic children are labelled with ‘behaviour’, ‘learning’ problems and can often be diagnosed as a disorder and given unnecessary medication.
There are four distinct personalities: The Aqua child, The Crystal child, The Rainbow Child and Star child. They each have personality type and characteristic body shapes and suffer different ailments according to their personality types. Their learning styles differ as well as their cognitive process.