November 2017 Heart Speak Newsletter

November 2017 Heart Speak Newsletter

Heart Speak Newsletter

I DID IT! I wrote two more books.. in a week!

These new books are so dear to my heart and have been a lifelong dream since I was 10 years old.

I want to tell you the titles and what they are all about, but not just yet. There is so much love and passion in this work. At the moment all I can tell you is they are for the future. They have been written for the new generation, they are for humanity. They are about creating a world of love. They are for the new Millennium! They are linked to Atlantis and Lemuria. They are both RAW and REAL. What they reveal has not been shared before.

I’ve been guided to gently release the books as they are a game changer for the new millennium. I’m looking forward to reavealing more over the coming months. However, for now I want to share something of the new millennium that we are heading towards that I did and have done for years.

How can I write nearly 100,000 words in a week? No, I didn’t have anything pre-written and no I didn’t dictate my book. It was all tapped out on my trusty laptop.

You see I wanted to test what was possible in relation to the ‘stopping of time’ and consciousness. With the help of quantum reality and quantum physics, I was able to access beyond all reality, applying everything I know. Especially the laws of the Millennium Star™, beyond the veil. I always knew and have tried it before to heal my body when I was unwell and suffered from chronic anaemia. I did it when I was once suicidal allowing me to connect the separate mind with the absolute mind. This time I wanted to know if the same process could work with the intellect. I wanted to test the illusion of time which I have been doing for years .. BOOM and KAPOW. It happened.

Now I know the idea may sound ridiculous and improbable to you but I cannot explain in words what happened. I was accessing the RAINBOW child wisdom and was the I AM THAT I AM but more. There are no words .. no human words only sound and vibrations. At the same time, I was playing with duality of having loud, BOOM BOOM music pumping in my ears just like a teenager. I knew anything was possible and it was the most amazing frequency.

I’ll stop here, as this is part of the 2018 and 2019 courses that will be released soon. But I had to share with you as it was the most amazing feeling of absolute love and duality 3rd dimension at the same time. I can’t wait to show you and allow you to experience it for yourself on the new courses.

All of this around my 51st birthday! Celebrate with me in this new millennium.

Jean Sheehan did it again

Summer Sacred Ceremony

Join me as I offer a sacred ceremony to welcome in Summer according to Sacred Geometry and ancient Shamanic Rituals! The ceremony date has been chosen as the full moon is the following day (4/12/17) and the begining of a Mercury retrograde. (3/12/17 – 22/12/17).

We will start the sacred ceremony at 3:13am on for the sacred geometry numbers of 3 (illusions lifted) and 13 (number of the genius). We will have a grid made by all of us, so bring your shells, feathers, crystals, food or whatever you are drawn to bring. The investment cost is a gold coin and love. This is an investment in you and your future. The gold coin will be donated to the Noosa RSPCA Shelter. I encourage you to invite others to share this event. So many need this divine ceremony to support them at this time

Sacred Ceremony

Medical Intuitive Cards

They have arrived! Yes the Medical Intuitive cards are here early. It feels like it’s a birthday gift to both me and to you from the universe as they weren’t due to arrive until late November. For those that have already ordered we will be posting them out now. For those that haven’t ordered yet you can click here.

In the meantime, I have November affirmations and guidance to support you so read on. Make sure to check the courses dates below. Thank you for being you

Jean Sheehan Medical Intuitive

November Affirmation

This months affirmation is something we do each and every day but we are unconscious to it. As we get older we seem to enjoy more of the creature comforts and like to have things the same. It’s only when you step outside your comfort zone you actually see your potential and access your potentiality knowing anything is possible.

As a child, it was my Australian grandmother who taught me this. Not by words but by her actions. Nana was still playing competition tennis at the young age of 92 years. She would drive little old ladies around; she never saw herself as a little old lady! She continually stepped out of her comfort zone giving anything and everything a shot. Watching her has taught me to do the same. I encourage you to do the same this month. See what happens .. I can guarantee a miracle.

Medical Intuition

Why wait until you are sick, retired and unwell before you do something to love and nurture yourself? In this Medical Intuitive audio I share a gorgeous client who did just that! Hear his story.  Click here

Millennium Children

With all the new fad diets, sadly the healing property foods like fatty acids have been removed from the diet. Vitamin F is crucial and for essential growth and behaviour, balancing hormones and working the immune system. Children whom are diagnosed with behaviour problems will be deficient in VIT F. And young men who have fatty liver or high cholesterol actually need more fats! So today introduce yummy foods to your diet.

Vitamin F

Up & Coming Courses

To assist your diary and planning, here is what is coming up. Bookings can be made on the website or email us

Medical Intuition Modules I – IV

Sunshine Coast 19th – 26th November 2017

Summer Full Moon ceremony

Sunshine Coast 3rd December 2017

Medical Intuitive Card Course – Level 1

Sunshine Coast 3rd & 4th February 2018

Medical Intuitive Card Course – Level 2

Sunshine Coast 3rd & 4th March 2018

Medical Intuitive Modules I – IV

Melbourne 18th – 25th March 2018

Medical Intuitive Card Course

Melbourne 18th – 21st May 2018

Medical Intuitive Courses Modules I – IV

Sunshine Coast 18th – 25th November 2018

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