Amanda graduated from MOD I, II, III, IV

Amanda graduated from MOD I, II, III, IV

My experience on the courses at Millennium Education has been an awakening and life changing one. I am so grateful for the knowledge, both theory and practical, that I have gained throughout all these courses with Jean and the team members/staff. These Modules have helped to understand we all perfect and love resides in every living being. Understanding DNA, EGO, Sacred Geometry, Kundalini and much more has allowed me to see how blessed we all are to live on this amazing Earth.

Since doing the courses, I have been able to become aware of when certain emotions (such as fear, anxiety, stress) come up and am able to release and let go of these feelings of the EGO easily. I am also able to acknowledge that thoughts are energy which has allowed me to shift my consciousness to love, joy, happiness in my everyday life.

I apply the theory and practical knowledge that I have gained through linking certain emotions or physical pain/sensations with the spiritual and underlying meaning of them. I can better understand the emotions that come up for family and friends, realising that we are all on an evolutionary path towards oneness with love and the absolute.

I will definitely be applying this knowledge and awareness that I have gained with working with children, teaching from heart space. I hope to portray and bring self love, peace and harmony.

Two years ago I met the beautiful Jean Sheehan and since our first meeting I realised that I have met one of the most gifted and amazing souls here on earth. I am so grateful, not only for the life changing courses, but also the friendships I have been blessed to develop with Jean, team members, and fellow students.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Jean. You have helped me open to live and perfection of ALL THERE IS. My soul is forever grateful.

Amana – Psychologist and Teacher

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