Lions gate healing for you

Lions gate healing for you

Lions gate healing for you

Hello Habibi


Wow what a journey I had in Egypt. A massive recalibration and healing for you for the 2024 Lions Gate, 28th July – 12th August 2024.

I was at the pyramids and sphinx for 4 hours. It was extremely hot, and the energies were so different from other times I have been to Egypt. This healing and recalibration commenced 28th July and will continue until 12th August so if you would like to be added to this process, just reply to my email. As it is quantum healing, you can access this anytime. I recorded the outcomes here for you to watch. Click on the image to watch.

As mentioned in my last newsletter I did many medical intuitive sessions on the horses, camels, donkeys, cats and especially dogs. I was blown away the first morning I did my early morning walk as I came across a dog who looked exactly like my dog, Zac, only thinner. He had the same gentle nature and ran over to me as though he knew me. After a pat and healing, the dog gave a message that Zac will reincarnate to my next dog when I am ready. Goosebumps! Can you see the resemblance?

The day I arrived at my accommodation, there was a small cat who also ran up to me remembering me from November 2023 when I stayed. I called her Sekhmet, the Egyptian Lion goddess as her face looked the same. She immediately jumped on my lap for cuddles. I love how animals remember when you have shown love to them.

This gorgeous Camel was by himself and he called me over. He said he had right eye pain and could I do a healing. As I tuned into his eye and eye chakra there was disconnection in his left and right cortex brains. This was linked to a past life where he was a pharaoh man during Nubian Egypt times. He was killed by his brother for being so stubborn and was stabbed in his eye. As I did this healing, he gently closed his eyes and made a purring sound. I didn’t know that his owner was watching me and took this photo. He asked what I was doing and through google translate I shared the healing. I gifted my blue turquoise crystal bracelet to the owner to give the camel calm and clarity and by the owner wearing it the camel will receive the energy of the crystal. Btw the camels name Was Shabaqa and in Arabic it means came before.

This journey was about healing the animals and giving back to the children too. Last year I gave (2) small boys food, and they would come each day to say hello. Again 7 months later they remembered me and came for a big hug. Look at their gorgeous faces. (Top picture is November 2023 and the bottom July 2024)

Thank you to those that watched my journey on social media and replied to my healing processes. There is more to share with you in the coming newsletters.


In the meantime, keep reading to find out my new events and goodies for you. And if you want to know what crystals were used in ancinet egypt for heaing that you can use now, read this BLOG CLICK HERE

Absolute love to you,


What if what is happening in your life now is affected, effected, and infected by a past life? This is both a positive and negative response and memory in your body and your body wants you to know about it NOW!

The body consciousness can NOT discern what is happening now or past life and you will be carrying, holding and repeating old pains, hurts and trauma from past lives that will be affecting your life today. This needs to be cleared and healed so you can leave behind all that is limiting you.

Then there are past lives that need to be integrated with you so you live your purpose and passion, and your body is wanting you to know what they are so you can make magic happen in your life.

Time to clear ancestral pain from past lives and embody and harmonise your gifts and talents from past lives.


This 45-minute zoom session is recorded. Jean Sheehan, Modern Medicine Woman, gifts you an activation healing process to clear old paradigm programs and align with the new Golden Age and paradigm of the 5th Dimension. She wants you to shine your brilliance.

An activation healing process that Jean Sheehan channels from the absolute of Atlantis and ancient Egypt.




I now have openings for the 2025 Mystery School training in Egypt. This is the most exclusive sacred odyssey of Egypt ever offered and aligns with the year 2025 and 2026 which are (2) portals to the 12th and 13th dimension. You will explore enchanting temples, tombs and pyramids to discover the secrets of Mystics and the High Priestess. You will connect with Atlantis, Pleiades and Arcturians. This is only for those ready to claim being the HEALER they are! See in image some of the places we will visit. And if you are ready to apply, please  CLICK HERE




Happy Money 6th Jan – 24th Feb 2025

Past Life Healing

2025 Energies 10th Nov 2024
(Live Online)

2025 Energies 9th Nov 2024
(Noosa Spring, Sunshine Coast)

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Medical Intuitive Session

Spring ceremony 26 – 30 Aug 2024

2025 Egypt

Summer ceremony 2 – 6 Dec 2024

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