You are always supported

You are always supported

You are always supported

So good to connect to you again


I am back from Egypt after being there for (1) month with clients. It was an incredible journey for all. I have over 5000 photos to go through so will share more details in the next newsletter but for now I want share something that happened whilst I was there.

My intention was to offer food, water and medical intuition healing to the animals at the pyramids of Egypt. That included camels, horses, donkeys, cats and dogs. I absolutely love animals. I found myself a special place to sit between the large Giza Pyramid, Cheops and the middle size pyramid Chephren where there were massive activation portals to tap in to and do remote healing for clients. Whilst I did that the dogs would come up to me and be open for healing. They would snuggle up close to me for massage, healing and love. Have a look at this dog.

On returning home from Egypt, I was unwell and was unable to walk, see or function. I could hardly breath and my lungs were struggling. I slept on and off and kept drifting into unconsciousness for 7 days. A couple of trips to hospital, integrative care, tests and me doing medical intuition on myself and 1 month and 2 days later I am almost back at my normal health. This wasn’t just getting unwell; it was a massive upgrade activation for me too related to Mystery school and everything I am about to teach in 2025 and beyond. As you know my saying is ‘it always works out’ and I was so supported.

Thank you to everyone who helped me as I lost my sight and couldn’t work and lost being able to walk. You all provided me such loving thoughts and wishes which helped immensely.

During this healing process I have learned (again) one massive thing and that is I AM ALWAYS SUPPORTED and RECEIVE. I knew it in my heart and intellectually and then I needed to feel it deeper in my cellular memory. And be reminded to receive help and support. When we think we are alone there is always someone or something that will be lovingly watching us and supporting us. We may not notice at the time or be aware.

I chose this photo above as it shows exactly what I mean. I was offering the camel named CUTE some healing. He was so gentle and kind. As I focused on the camel in the distance was his owner who was also kind, wise and supportive and now my friend. He supported me by sitting back ready to help and be there if I needed. He was so humble.

On my last day at the pyramids, I was BIG time unwell but determined to feed the dogs food and water and offer healing. My body was cooking with high temperature, I felt feint, I had pain in my gut, leg and could hardly breath. It was a must I help the dogs. I had to do this. My friend and his camel CUTE and I were sitting at my fav spot near Giza Pyramid as I fed the dogs, and an incident happened where I felt overwhelmed by children wanting to take my photo. It was like I was famous but as I was unwell the group of 50 kids was too much for me. Normally being independent and ‘strong’ I can defend myself, but I was feeling too unwell to do or say anything. My friend jumped up straight away and supported me and protected me. He was a gift from the universe. I surrendered and received.

The point of this sharing is that you are always supported no matter what. All you need do is receive! And that is my lesson from my body speaking on this journey. And that is what I offer you to know NOW ‘you are supported and be open to receive.’

I walked many 1000’s of steps around the pyramids to feed and do healings for the animals. It was hot, dry and huge area to walk. Near the entry of the smallest pyramid, Menkaure, I was all alone and was speaking light language. I was guided to offer remote healing to all animals not just within Egypt but globally. I was doing ‘my thing’ and was unaware that I was being watched and listened to.

As I looked up another man on his camel asked what I was doing. He said his camel almost ran up to where I was and then stopped. He and his camel were watching and listening to me. I explained that I was giving love and healing to all animals of the world and that I was speaking a language from out of space and connected to the starseed people. He looked at me with his big brown eyes and said tell me more. he was very intrigued so offered to speak this LIGHT LANGUAGE to his camel to which he said yes. The camel closed his eyes and almost purred. The man had a lovely smile and said he felt it in his heart. Then I stopped and said thank you to him and the camel.

Little did I realize my friend was taking my photo whilst doing this as I had said I need to go to this pyramid do something. I didn’t hold back being me! As I share, I ask that you don’t hold back being you. Be all of you. Shine your brilliance. Old pain of not being seen is DONE for 2025 energies. Be you.


Lastly for those interested in learning medical intuition with me for 2025 or coming to Egypt or Mexico I have information evennings where you can join me to learn more. Just reply to this email and we can make a time to book you in or call my TEAM on 0414 758 360 (within Australia)

Absolute love to you,

I have written information about the star child as I have so many requests. Enjoy by clicking the image above.


Only (5) places left 2025 EGYPT journey This is an exclusive sacred odyssey to scared sights and private access and aligns with the year 2025 and 2026 which are (2) portals to the 12th and 13th dimension. You will connect with Atlantis, Pleiades and Arcturians. If you are ready to apply, please CLICK THE IMAGE TO APPLY



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Happy Money 6th Jan – 24th Feb 2025

Mexico 11th – 20th April 2025

2025 Egypt

Past Life Healing

Medical Intuitive Session

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