Your Body Talks To You

Your Body Talks To You

Imagine if you were your own doctor and were able to understand what your body was saying to you particularly in times of pain and disease.  What do you think your body would be communicating to you?

Listen toy your body talk
The truth is that your body is the only thing you will ever truly own in your lifetime. It is your vehicle and your ‘tarot card’ which tells you exactly what is happening in your life, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  It holds onto our experiences, thoughts belief systems and unconscious secrets.

Steven was a client of mine who wanted to pursue his career in golf. He excelled in this sport and was keen to enter professional competitions.

Golf and your career
However, Steven and his wife were expecting a baby. As a result, he felt selfish if left his wife to play in golf tournaments and feared the lack of stability this career may bring. As Steven was pondering these concepts he fell and broke his ankle. He did not realise it but his ankle was expressing exactly how he felt about taking the next step of change and lack of stability


Each body part has an emotional link and metaphysical meaning. The metaphysical meaning for the ankle is selfish, next step, change, stability and decisions. As a result, Steven’s body was talking to him and expressing the unconscious secrets he had. The good news is that while Stevens ankle was in a cast he was able to reflect on what he really wanted to do, which included openly communicating with his wife about his golfing career. Two months later Steven made a confident decision that his next step forward to be a dad and to play golf as leisure rather than a career.




Casey was 15-year-old girl who had continual headaches. She was unable to focus and her parents tried everything to help her. They had been to see neurologists, psychologists and tried all sorts of medication.  What was interesting was that the headaches only occurred for Casey on weekday mornings. Her cranial bones were holding on to something. She felt the need to be alone and protect herself.


Highly Sensitive Person


The metaphysical meaning of the cranial bones is about holding on to and protection. If there is no free movement in this area, there will be generalised headaches. What Casey’s parents did not know was that Casey felt she didn’t fit in at school as she was a sensitive child who preferred to be at home, reading in solitude. Her headaches were actually ‘allowing’ her to stay at home and keep herself protected.  Once her parents were made aware of this situation they assisted her with home schooling in which she thrived and her headaches suddenly disappeared. It was almost like she had created this in her body to create what she wanted most.

By your best friend


Anna was a full time working mum who had was struggling to lose weight. She had four children whom she adored and was always there for them. After work and on weekends she would rush around driving her children to  after school activates and then go home to complete all the housework etc.  Unfortunately, Anna found she had little time for herself felt suffocated. Subconsciously she wanted to be everyone’s friend but she forgot about being her own best friend.. Welcome to the thyroid and weight gain!  What Anna did not know was that by doing all these things for everyone else and forgetting herself her body was talking to her and saying ‘we will hold on to the fat for your survival’. The thyroid is concerned with activity, feeling suffocated, dedication to self and everything Anna did was for everyone else. It was time for Anna to have a lifestyle change and that would allow her weight to shift and for her to have time for her. Her body was screaming at her look after herself but she did not understand. Once aware, Anna made herself a priority by walking each morning before the children got up, made her lunch before two children and leant to say ‘no’ to too many requests. Within 4 weeks she lost 8kg. It was now time Anna be her own best friend.

Listen to your body its always communicating with you


So next time your body is ill, in pain or something is happening have a look at what is happening in your life. What are you feeling, what are you wanting and what are you not communicating to your self or others? Once you know you body wont have to SCREAM at you to get your attention. So remember your body talks to you.

Medical Intuition – Your Body Talks To You©- Article By: Jean Sheehan, Millennium Education & Absolute Empowerment Noosa Heads, Sunshine Coast , Queensland, Australia

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